Starship Launch Vehicle category with all prototypes in 1:100 scale.
SuperHeavy B9
Booster 9 launched with Ship 25 on the Second Integrated Flight Test on Nov 18, 2023. During the first stage firing, all 33 engines were fired full duration. Starship and Super Heavy passed through hot staging, but the booster was lost shortly after initiating its flip maneuver and boostback burn. The Starship second stage had its flight termination system activated around the time of engine cutoff, after having continued powered flight until more than eight minutes after launch and reaching over 80 percent of orbital speed.
Source: Wikipedia
Vehicle details:
New Hot staging extension ring with protective dome
B9 consists of 36 rings and upgraded grid fins.
Engine section consists of 20 outer Raptors and 13 inner Raptors
New COPVs arrangement as 2 vertical columns on the front of the booster and 2 other vertical columns on the umbilical area.
No HPUs (Hydraulic Power Units) on B9.
QD plate (quick disconnect)
1:100 Scale paper model
3D parts for B9:
3D Grid fins by Sofie Brink
3D engine skirt and 3D Raptors by AXM
3D Orbital pad by Wei Hao
UPDATE: 8/22/23
-Raptor nozzle numbers were lowered on the paper version Raptor nozzle
-Upperdome bracing lines (4 pairs): colors were corrected.
Download Metallic version:
Import file update (27Oct2024)
This Booster model has been updated with a more accurate version of the upper dome as well as the gridfin actuators. B9 upperdome only had two CH4 pipes. Photos from Richard Armenta.