Starship Launch Vehicle category with all prototypes in 1:100 scale.
SuperHeavy B12
Booster 12 was successfully launched on Oct 13, 2024 along with Starship 30 on the Integrated Flight Test 5 (IFT5). Main objective for B12 to be caught by the tower chopsticks was accomplished, returning to Orbital Launch Mount A.
New changes on B12:
-No COPVs in upper dome section
-Redesigned Starlink Terminals on chines covering COPVs (square dishes)
-Engine skirt shielding black edge removed
-Additional FTS enclosure on the umbilical side near the aft chines
-Reinforced stringers on booster top section
-Reinforced stringers on stabilizer pin sections
Model photos provided by "Oliver The Space Nerd" from X
Download file has been updated with the new stringers on the booster. See last page for the stringers patches for those who already have built the model.
All Raptor numbers have been added, including Raptor 314 with the pie drawing.
Important file update (27Oct2024)
This Booster model has been updated with a more accurate version of the upper dome as well as the gridfin actuators. Special thanks to Richard Armenta for the wonderful photos of the upper dome changes.