
SuperHeavy B12

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Booster 12 is scheduled for launch in Nov 2024 with Starship 30 on the Integrated Flight Test 5 (IFT5). Main objective for B12 is to attempt a catch by the tower chopsticks.

New changes on B12:

-No COPVs in upper dome section

-Redesigned Starlink Terminals on chines covering COPVs (square dishes)

-Engine skirt shielding black edge removed

-Additional FTS enclosure on the umbilical side near the aft chines

-Reinforced stringers on booster top section

-Reinforced stringers on stabilizer pin sections


Model photos provided by "Oliver The Space Nerd" from X

Download file has been updated with the new stringers on the booster. See last page for the stringers patches for those who already have built the model.

Download: AXM-B12-1.pdf