All modules from Russian segment of the ISS
Launched on Sep 15, 2001 on a Russian Soyuz booster from Baikonur.
Read more about the PIRS papermodel and its manual from my old site here.
It was undocked from the ISS on July 26, 2021 to pave way for the arrival of the Nauka Multipurpose Laboratory module.
Rassvet also known as Mini Research Module-1 is a component of the Russian segment of the ISS. It was flown to the ISS aboard Space Shuttle Atlantis on mission STS-132 on May 14, 2010.
It is docked to the nadir port of the Zarya module. It has externally attached equipment for the Nauka Multipurpose Laboratory Module, a spare elbow joint for the ERA arm, a portable workpost for EVAs, an airlock to deploy cubesats and a radiator.
The Nauka module ("Science" in Russian) or also known as Multipurpose Laboratory Module, is a module located on the Russian segment of the ISS.
Launch vehicle: It was flown aboard a Proton-M rocket on July 21, 2021. It was originally planned to be launched in 2007.
Docking to ISS: Nauka docked to the nadir port of Zvezda on July 29, 2021 replacing the old PIRS module which undocked from the ISS on July 26, 2021.
Outfitting Nauka:
A series of russian EVAs were performed in order to add extra equipment to the Nauka module. The outfitting equipment for Nauka was launched aboard the Rassvet module which was carried by Space Shuttle Atlantis on STS-132 mission in 2010. The equipment included a spare elbow joint for the ERA, an ERA portable workpost, an Airlock and a Radiator. The Airlock and Radiator were finally installed on Nauka by the ERA in May 2023.
On Nov 26, 2021 the new module Prichal was docked to Nauka.
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Assembly Manual (34 mb)

Prichal also known as Uzlovoy Module or UM, is a Russian module as part of the International Space Station.
Launch vehicle: It was flown aboard a Soyuz 2.1b carrying a modified Progress M-UM as the transporter tug on Nov 24, 2021. An ST type fairing was used to launch the Progress M-UM due to the larger diameter of Prichal.
Docking to ISS: Prichal docked to Nauka on Nov 26, 2021 to the nadir port of Nauka.
Outfitting Prichal:
Russian EVA VKD-51 was performed in order to add extra equipment to the Prichal module, including installation of antennas, docking target and the relocation of the camera.
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