SuperHeavy B11
Booster 11 was successfully launched on June 6, 2024 with Starship 29 on the Integrated Flight Test 4 (IFT4). Main objective for B11 was to simulate a landing at a "virtual tower" just above the surface on the Gulf of Mexico. All objectives were accomplished, including the hotstaging ring jettison.
3D parts for B11:
3D Grid fins by Sofie Brink
3D engine skirt for B11 booster by AXM (B10 3D engine skirt is the same for B11)
3D Orbital pad by Wei Hao
Important file update (27Oct2024)
This Booster model has been updated with a more accurate version of the upper dome as well as the gridfin actuators. Special thanks to Richard Armenta for the wonderful photos of the upper dome changes.