Falcon 9

Falcon 9 models are in 1:100 scale.

Falcon9instructionmanual  Manual for DRAGON v1 Capsule and Falcon 1.0

AXMFalcon9v1.1manual Manual for versions 1.1 and 1.2 (Includes Dragon trunk modification)

AXM Falcon 9 First Stage Landing manual – PDFOptim First Stage Landing Manual

AXM_FalconHeavy_manual Applies to all Falcon Heavy

New AXM Falcon9 Octaweb Applies to all Falcon 9 First Stages (new modification)

AXMDragon2PadAbortmanual (Old manual but still helpful to build the CrewDragon)

CrewDragonManual (Applies to both CrewDragon and CargoDragon)

  • Description
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Falcon 9 v1.2 launched successfully on May 1st, 2017. Falcon 9 core No. 32

Launch Site: KSC Pad 39A

Payload: NROL-76(USA-276)

Landing: 4th successful ground landing at LZ1

1:100 scale model (Fairing updated)

Download file updated: Second stage modification