
Cargo Dragon2 CRS-28

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Falcon 9 v1.2 Block 5 was successfully launched on June 5, 2023 carrying the third pair of iROSA new solar arrays.

Launch Site: KSC Pad 39A

Vehicle: Cargo Dragon 2 (C208.4) , Falcon 9 v1.2 Block 5 Core #77.5, Block 5 second stage, Titanium grid fins, legs 2.0

Payload: iROSA (ISS Roll Out Solar Arrays) for 1A and 1B channels (two iROSA panels)

Landing: ASOG

1:100 Scale Model

File also includes the Second Stage with the short MVac nozzle extension

used for this mission.

A 3D printable stand for CargoDragon2 is also available:


Deployed iROSA panelCRS-28

Installation of the iROSA for channel 1A took place on June 9, 2023 on the S4 truss section of the station.

The iROSA for channel 1B was installed on June 15, 2023 on the S6 truss section.