Falcon 9 B5 CRS-21
Falcon 9 v1.2 Block 5 was successfully launched on Dec 5, 2020 carrying the First Dragon 2 Cargo version, with increased payload capacity and autonomous docking to the ISS.
Launch Site: KSC Pad 39A
Vehicle: Cargo Dragon 2 , Falcon 9 v1.2 Block 5 Core #58.4, Block 5 second stage, Titanium grid fins, legs 2.0
Payload: Nanoracks Bishop Airlock (Designed by Vad Kuz)
Download: Dragon2100_CRS21_dockingconfig-Bishop
Landing: OCISLY
1:100 Scale Model (Docked to ISS photo by PaperRocketMan). Dragon with second stage photos by Alexander Oehms. Bishop airlock designed by Vad Kuz.
This was the 100th Falcon 9 launch. Core 58 previous missions: DM-2, Anasis-II and Starlink-12
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